Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Each day I write my blogs on information to help the fellow job seeker find a job. I give tips on how to act in an interview, how to create a great resume, as well as jobs that are available in the local community. Today, while researching blog ideas I came across a site that gave great information but in a different way.

The site, is a site with a variety of useful economy based and job type information. What I came upon, is a list of jobs that are declining. Why is this helpful? Well, this will give you insight into the jobs that are going to have continuing layoffs or just become obsolete in the future. Either way, these jobs are not something you want to invest your time in if there is not going to be a long- term commitment, so stay away from them.

* The link will show you the list of Florida declining jobs. If you are interested in seeing an overall of all jobs Nationally you can change you r search in the upper window of the page.


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