Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It’s Not About the Tools, But the End Result

New Media vs Old Meida Job SearchingHere at the Employment Guide, we have a plethora of products for job seekers to take advantage of when they are in the position to search for a new career, part-time job, continuing education, and even work at home experiences.

Whether you are picking up a paper, using online job boards, signing up to social networks, blogging, watching videos or coming out to hiring events and job fairs, the goal is almost always the same: Get your foot in the door for an initial interview in the attempt to land a new job.

So if the end goal is the same, how do you get there? Frankly it doesn’t really matter as long as you do get there. Now some jobs and employers use certain types of media and advertisements, and you may miss their message if you are not looking in all the right places. However, there are great opportunities for employment in any medium that suits you. That is the key and employers are starting to realize it.

With the development and continuing growth of Web 2.0 technologies, companies are realizing that their message needs to come across in as many mediums as possible to attract the quality job seekers that are needed to fill their vacancies.

At the end of the day, the tools you use depend on you! That is the one great advantage we have here at the Employment Guide. We can offer you the chance to see great hourly and skilled positions at your convenience, in the medium that works for you.

The opportunities are out there for you to explore. It is up to you to make that call, polish up the resume and make a solid first impression at the interview. We can only offer the tools to get you excited about a career change.

Happy hunting Tampa!

P.S. Careers in Gear Presents the Driver’s Job Fair April 12th! Click here for more info!

-Greg Rollett

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