Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Your 5 Point Agenda

Before sitting down for an interview you need to make sure you are well prepared for it and able to skillfully answer any question the interviewer asks you. There's an excellent technique in the book 60 Seconds & Your Hired! by Robin Ryan that can help you in preparing for an interview. The first step is to create your "5 Point Agenda".

The 5 Point Agenda is a technique that focuses on your top 5 strengths and gets the employer to listen to what you are saying. These 5 points are repeated throughout your interview which will help imprint your image to the employers brain to help you stand out and be remembered.

How to create your 5 point Agenda:

Examine your previous job responsibilities and make a list of any special accomplishments. Next review the potential employers requirements and make note of your own abilities and experience that will be most important to the employer. Now you can create your 5 points to build a solid picture focusing on how you can do the job.

So for a clerical position your five points will be like so:

Point 1: 5 years of customer service experience dealing directly with clientèle making a positive, professional image for the company.

Point 2: Detailed oriented, fast worker that can handle multiple task under stress and complete them according to deadlines.

Point 3: Has recently updated MS Office skills and experience working in company databases such as MS Access and Goldmine.

Point 4: Collaborating with staff to create and manage a thorough schedule to make sure all daily task were completed as assigned to prevent staff from over looking crucial tasks and to help staff meet deadlines for their clients in a timely matter.

Point 5: Assisted with numerous events and scheduled appointments that meet staff and clients needs accordingly.

The above 5 points are things a person interviewing for a clerical position can use to secure a job offer. Maybe the job he/she is applying for requires customer service and data entry experience and this person was able to offer specific examples of his/her expertise in that area. Please keep in mind that you can't use the above 5 points unless you actually have that experience.

These five points are the buildings blocks to answer the interviewer's questions - Robin Ryan
Good Luck and be sure to come back tomorrow for more interview tips!

Happy Hunting Tampa!

Samara Bowling

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